35 modern words recently added in the Dictionary

  1. Bling (n): Expensive, ostentatious clothing and jewelry.
  2. Bromance (n): A close but non-sexual relationship between two men.
  3. Chillax (v): Calm down and relax.
  4. Crunk (adj): Very excited or full of energy.
  5. D’oh (ex): Exclamation used to comment on a foolish or stupid action, especially one’s own.
  6. Droolworthy (adj): Extremely attractive or desirable.
  7. Frankenfood (n): Genetically modified food.
  8. Grrrl (n): A young woman regarded as independent and strong or aggressive, especially in her attitude to men or in her sexuality (A blend of “Grrrr” and “Girl.”)
  9. Guyliner (n): Eyeliner that is worn by men.
  10. Hater (n): A person who greatly dislikes a specified person or thing.
  11. Illiterati (n): People who are not well educated or well informed about a particular subject or sphere of activity.
  12. Infomania (n): The compulsive desire to check or accumulate news and information, typically via mobile phone or computer.
  13. Jeggings (n): Tight-fitting stretch trousers for women, styled to resemble a pair of denim jeans.
  14. La-la Land (n): A fanciful state or dream world. Also, Los Angeles.
  15. Locavore (n): A person whose diet consists only or principally of locally grown or produced food.
  16. Mankini (n): A brief one-piece bathing garment for men, with a T-back.
  17. Mini-Me (n): A person closely resembling a smaller or younger version of another.
  18. Muffin Top (n): A roll of fat visible above the top of a pair of women’s tight-fitting low-waisted trousers.
  19. Muggle (n): A person who is not conversant with a particular activity or skill.
  20. Noob (n): A person who is inexperienced in a particular sphere or activity, especially computing or the use of the Internet.
  21. Obvs (adv): Obviously.
  22. OMG (ex): Used to express surprise, excitement, or disbelief. (Dates back to 1917.)
  23. Po-po (n): The police.
  24. Purple State (n): A US state where the Democratic and Republican parties have similar levels of support among voters.
  25. Screenager (n): A person in their teens or twenties who has an aptitude for computers and the Internet.
  26. Sexting (n): The sending of sexually explicit photographs or messages via mobile phone.
  27. Textspeak (n): Language regarded as characteristic of text messages, consisting of abbreviations, acronyms, initials, emoticons. (wut hpns win u write lyk dis.)
  28. Totes (adv): Totally.
  29. Truthiness (n): the quality of seeming or being felt to be true, even if not necessarily true.
  30. Twitterati (n): Keen or frequent users of the social networking site Twitter.
  31. Unfriend (v): Remove (someone) from a list of friends or contacts on a social networking site.
  32. Upcycle (v): Reuse (discarded objects or material) in such a way as to create a product of higher quality or value than the original.
  33. Whatevs (ex, adv): Whatever.
  34. Whovian (n): A fan of the British science-fiction television series Doctor Who.
  35. Woot (ex): (Especially in electronic communication) Used to express elation, enthusiasm, or triumph. 

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