uuuuuuu....am gasit si un video pe un site al organizatiei PETA,check it out...
Find more PETA videos at PETATV.com
Fiti atenti ce scrie pe site-ul oficial KentuckyFriedCruelty :
"For more than five years, PETA has been pressuring fast-food chain KFC to stop the worst abuses of chickens, including scalding birds to death, cutting their throats while they're still conscious, and drugging and breeding them to grow so large that they become crippled beneath their own weight. Now PETA has scored a major victory and is ending its Kentucky Fried Cruelty boycott in Canada. The boycott will continue in other countries where KFC has restaurants, including the U.S., until they follow the lead of the Canadian KFCs that have agreed to make changes."
Concluzia : O lupta cam fara succese,si totusi nu cer mult,vor doar ca fermele sa creasca milioanele de pui pe cai mai naturale.
si cateva poze....

...si in final o dedicatie de la mine pentru KFC....
nu ma mai mananc niciodata de la kfc.Protestez!
Imi plac pozele cu naked chicks, se pregateau de dus, d c nu au pene!?
Al doilea cred ca e curcan si KFC nu inseamna Kentucky Fried Curcan.
PETA sucks ass, la cat de nesimtiti sunt cred ca o sa ajunga sa protesteze si impotriva vanarii balenelor si viezurilor de tundra :))
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