Circles...of words

Lost,excited,sad and happy at the same time. Out of love.

Why do i feel like I'm lost ? I have no reason. But still i feel like I've lost my way. I don't feel like I've lost someone,
he lost.He lost me. Passing this episode...

Excited. I'm really excited about everything that happened in the last few months.

Sad and happy...i don't know where the sadness is coming from but i surely know where the happiness is coming from.

I don't know what i want.Or when.Or how much i want and from whom.

I know I'm not perfect.I like being unperfect.

I really need to clean my life.Begin a new one.Do the things that i planned.

Create a shield around my heart.Be a bitch for a while.
It worked last will work now.

Talkin' in circles is one of my favorite things.


Thank you Misky


Memoirs from another life

She once loved a guy.They were from different worlds.He loved her and she loved him.They thought they'll last forever.But after a while he left and never looked back.That was the thing that made her fall apart.Made her soul turn into pieces.
She tried to forget him.Everyday chatting with her girlfriends,drinking glasses of Chardonnay,changing the way she looked,doing thing she never did...but with no result.No matter what she did,she was still going to bed every night going over every detail and wonder where she did wrong or how could she misunderstood.And in that brief moment she wondered how could she be that happy.And sometimes she could even convince herself that he will see the light and show up at her door.But he never did.
It hurt her so bad,even in places she didn't know she had inside.
After all that months of her life wasted for someone that turned out to be a schmuck,she left home.She decided to forget him for good.

..............time still makes all her memories of him fade away.One by one.

She will forget how bad he hurt her.How he broke her heart.

And.....Eventually...she will love again.

Worst guitar solo OF ALL TIME !

Ba,deci nici fumat nu poti fi atat de varza. Suna ciudat cum am zis asta, mi-am dat seama in timp ce o scriam.Omul asta e atat de prost,incat ma mir cum de nu au luat foc sigurantele.Ala de canta e ok,mie imi place.Dar solo-ul a stricat tot !

BTW,cam dupa min 2:30 e solo.Nu mai stiu exact.Asta in caz ca nu aveti chef sa il ascultati pe Matisyahu.


Old song /new video

Este vorba de P!nk aici.Pentru piesa 'Don't leave me' a scos un videoclip old school.Este filmat in acelasi mod in care erau facute filmele lui Charlie Chaplin.
Enough talkin'.

Nu pot sa pun video aici pentru ca iese din chenar,mama lui de chenar !

So...puteti sa il vedeti aici.


Poetry corner

Sa te visez

E trecut de miezul noptii
Si visul nu mai vine
Si-ncet iti spun in soapte
"Mi-e-un dor nebun de tine!"

Si tot sperand sa apari in visul meu
Ochii inchid gandindu-ma la tine.
Dorul de tine apasa greu
Dar visul nu mai vine

In umbre negre ratacind
Caci visul nu mai vine
Panzele noptii se desprind
Si te zaresc pe tine. >>

'You have to learn to forget about the people who forget about you.'

Copyright reserved to Just live your life.

New face

Un alt template modificat always.
Ma plictisisem tare de cel vechi,ceva nu imi placea la el.Stiu ca nu e ziua blogului dar consider un bonus pentru ca incepe sa imbatraneasca.
Si ce credeti?Inca nu s-a plictisit de mine si aberatiile mele.
So....acum ma duc sa dorm ca sunt franta de oboseala.Maine iar la munca....
'La munca nu la intins mana!' - imi urla o voce in cap.Ecou,ecou.....
Ah come on...go to bed.Stop reading my blabbering shit.

Aaaa....daca nu va place template-ul faceti reclamatie.Dar nu mie.Cui vreti voi da' nu mie 'cause ...guess what ?.....i don't care what you think !


Despre Andrei

Cum Andrei n-a mai avut timp sa scrie pe blog...sau nu a vrut sa mai scrie,am zis sa scriu eu putin despre el.Nici eu nu stiu prea multe,dar c'est la vie.Poate va da el un reply cu mai multe detalii.
Nu stiu ce sa va zic exact pentru ca oricum nu stiati prea multe si nu are rost sa aberez pe aici.
Most likely ...vroiam sa va zic ca daca aveti chef/rabdare puteti asculta multe piese de'ale lui pe trilulilu. atat.Astept si eu un reply cat mai curand.

Keep up the good work.You're my favorite one. :)


PS: M-am plictisit de template-ul asta.Caut altul.