Fobia mea

  Nu stiu daca v-am zis vreodata ca am o oroare de rozatoare mici si perusi. Rozatoare mici, adica orice animal mai mic de 20cm, topaie, alearga destul de repede si mananca legume uscate. Hamsteri, dihori, chinchille...astea. Si papagali mici. Sunt ok cu ele atata timp cat sunt inchisi undeva de unde nu pot sa iasa singuri. Sa nu ma atinga altfel se lasa cu lesin, puls accelerat si transpiratie. Da, stiu ca probabil radeti de mine si ziceti ca e stupid. Pur si simplu nu-mi plac si imi creeaza o stare maxima de discomfort.

  Sora-mea avea hamsteri. Si cand nu era ea acasa sa le schimbe rumegusul din acvariul lor, faceam eu asta. Evident fara sa pun mana pe ei. Aveam o cutie mica de plastic si ii prindeam la colt, ii ridicam cu cutia si le puneam un capac sa nu fuga. Capac cu gauri. Nu sunt criminala. Nu imi place sa ii ating cu mai mult de un deget sau sa ma atinga, dar ma uitam la ei cat erau de destepti si incercau sa evadeze.

  Cu perusii am descoperit acum vreo 4 ani ca imi displace atingerea lor. Eram la mare si s-a gandit unul ca daca tot am zis ca e dragut papagalul ala, sa il ia sa mi-l aseze pe umar. Moment in care am inceput sa transpir si sa ii zic ca daca nu il ia in 3 secunde de pe umarul meu, nu mai raman nici pene din el.

  Acum vreo 2 saptamani m-am dus la o prietena. Are chinchilla. Skippy ii e numele. Ne-am strans sa jucam Munchkin. Ajung la ea, si imi zice sa n-o calc ca se plimba prin camera. Mkey, fara panica. Inca nu vazusem pe unde e. Se juca pititea singura. Imi las geanta pe pat si ma asez pe un scaun. "Sa inceapa jocul ! :D"
  Deodata apare chinchilla aia care alerga ca o descreierata si se ascundea pe sub dulapuri. "E ok, nu e aproape de mine. Calm si continua sa joci."  De nicaieri iese si incepe si face parkour prin camera, dupa care se urca pe pat. "E ok. Nu vine la oameni panicati" Se urca pe geanta mea, miroase, vede ca nu e nimic de mancat si probabil miroase prea uman ca sa manance si se concentreaza pe altceva. Cu un deget ii ating urechile si o scarpin putin. "Soooo fluffffyyyyyyyy."

  Acest mic episod de dragalasenie trece instant cand rozatoarea incearca sa ajunga in bratele mele. Ca ii place sa se urce in bratele oamenilor. In momentul ala sar de pe scaun si ii zic gazdei mele, pe un ton cat se poate de calm, cel putin asa cred ca a fost tonul meu, sa o prinda si sa o puna in cusca ei. Cusca - care apropo, are dimensiunile unei masini de spalat automata. Un midget ar putea locui linistit acolo.
  A tot incercat sa-mi zica ca nu face nimic, ca e cuminte ca bla bla bla...dar eram prea rosie la fata, eram transpirata si imi tremurau mainile ca sa pot intelege acest lucru.

  Prietenul ei imi zice "Nu cred ca unui om ii e frica de ceva atat de mic". Eh uite ca mie imi e.

  Unii oameni au fobie de serpi, de paianjeni mari, in general de animale mare sau lucruri care daca nu te omoara macar te aduc in pragul mortii. Cum ar fi apa, inaltimea, avioanele. Inteleg acele fobii, si asa cum inteleg ca oamenilor le e frica de lucrurile alea asa ar trebui sa inteleaga si ei fobia mea de rozatoare mici si papagali. Mai trist e ca nu are nume fobia mea...cel putin n-am gasit inca.



Cookin' with Olive

Mi-am pus o cana de cafea cu lapte si m-am gandit sa va zic ce am gatit.
Inainte sa iasa din casa, m-a intrebat al meu prieten ce mancam diseara. Pam pamm pammmm. Habar nu aveam asa ca am inceput sa vizualizez ce avem in frigider si prin dulap. Si am descoperit ca avem niste piept de pui, legume, orez si vin alb. Eh, mai avem si alte chestii prin frigider, dar astea pareau o combinatie mai buna.

Asa ca, dupa ce a plecat i-am dat mesaj si l-am intrebat cum i se pare 'Pui la cuptor cu legume,rozmarin si vin alb si o garnitura de orez cu porumb dulce'. 15 minute mai tarziu imi da reply si zice ca suna genial. Boooonnnnn.

Repede la treaba.
Am gasit 2 cartofi, niste telina, niste albitura, rozmarin, puiul, vin alb demidulce si m-am pus pe treaba. Am taiat frumos legumele si am facut un 'pat' pentru pieptul de pui. Am pus cateva firisoare de rozmarin maruntit, sare si ulei de masline. Am asezat  puiul pe 'patul' din tava. Am mai pus un pic de rozmarin si ulei de masline peste el si la final am pus vinul alb. Ramasese cam 100 ml in sticla. Si cum noi nu bem demidulce, l-am pus pe tot. L-am acoperit cu folie de aluminiu inainte sa-l pun la cuptor si acum astept. Mai ramane sa fac orezul si gata masa. :)

A durat 15 minute toata treaba si partea buna e ca de fiecare data cand gatesti la cuptor nu ai cum sa dai gres. E imposibil :)

Cand va fi gata voi pune poze. 

xoxo. olive

La multi ani!

Intai de toate va doresc un an magnific si de un infinit de ori mai bun decat cel ce tocmai a trecut. Si nu in ultimul rand sa fiti sanatosi sa puteti face tot ce v-ati propus pentru 2013. 
Trebuie sa recunosc ca nu am avut nici timp si nici chef nici mai scriu pe blog. Dar nu e capat de lume. Pot reveni oricand. Ca acum.

In anul ce tocmai a trecut l-am cunoscut pe Victor, prietenul meu. O realizare minunata pentru 2012 as zice. :). Oricum, nu asta e ideea. Ideea e ca de cand stam impreuna mi-a revenit cheful de a gati si crea proiecte. DIY Projects (Do It Yourself). Si am tot creat si le-am facut cadou prietenilor. Si am tot notat ce vreau sa creez anul asta. Si s-au adunat 33 de idei. Asa mi-a venit o alta idee. Sa fac toate cele 33 de proiecte pana la 3.03.2013. Deja am terminat cateva de pe lista. O sa pun si poze zilele astea, inca nu le-am scos si nu am cu toate. Dar tot e ceva.
Am terminat niste ornamente pentru bradul de Craciun - pe care le-am facut cadou unei prietene (noi nu am facut brad anul asta), tot ei i-am facut o vaza cu flori din hartie creponata (o sa o rog sa-mi faca poze ca eu am uitat), am terminat de pictat un copac pe unul din peretii din living si am facut fluturi din hartie pentru lampa de podea tot din living. Plus doua picturi si un twisted art din cuburile lui Victor de cand era mic. Le-am gasit si decat sa le tinem in vreo cutie le-am folosit. Tabloul 'troneaza' la noi in dormitor.

Si pe langa asta am redecorat putin pentru ca, asa cum i-am zis si lui, casa asta arata ca un birou. Rece si fara personalitate. Not anymore. :D

Martie e chiar dupa colt, ma duc sa mai 'mesteresc'.

xoxo. olive

To Do List

1.  Develop your own personal operating system. Carve out and define your own reality, philosophy, values, and interests rather than automatically  accepting those of your family, peers, religion, or culture.
2.  Begin to let go of the need for validation. Don’t be motivated by the opinions or others or the desire for recognition. Be driven by what is important to you and what you value.
3.  Trust your instincts and allow for experimentation. Get to know yourself and discover what you enjoy and find exciting, even if you have to fail a few times.
4.  Accept others as they are. Begin letting go of judgments and criticism of others. Focus on people’s strengths rather than their faults. Learn to deal with difficult people without diminishing yourself.
5.  Really hear people. Go beyond just listening and understanding. Let people know that you really get them.
6.  Take care of unresolved matters in your life. Restore your integrity. Forgive and ask for forgiveness where necessary. Reclaim the energy you have given to these matters.
7.  Embrace a healthy lifestyle. Get some form of exercise daily. Eat healthy foods that support your body, not your emotions. Do this because you respect yourself, not to impress others.
8.  Cause things to happen. Don’t wait for them. Be a creator, an instigator, a collaborator. Share your enthusiasm.
9.  Show people you care. Don’t just talk about it. Show them in ways that are meaningful to them, not you.
10. Require the best of people. See them not only for who they are, but who they can be. Lovingly reflect that vision to them.
11. Ensure your own needs are met. Discern your primary needs, and communicate fully what is important and valuable to you  in your relationships. Don’t compromise these to keep peace or hang on.
12. Speak constructively. Use your words to uplift, inspire, motivate, and encourage. Don’t offer “constructive criticism” or subtle digs.
13. Laugh easily. Have a lightness about you. Take life less seriously and choose to find and create fun and joy.
14. Cease gossip. Choose not to talk about others in ways that are openly or subtlety critical. Don’t share information for the feeling of power or intrigue.
15. Make requests, not complaints. If you need something from someone, ask for it directly. Don’t whine or complain to them or others.
16. Handle situations fully. Kindly but clearly deal with negative issues as soon as possible. Don’t tolerate anything  if it causes resentments.
17. Be done with arguments. Smile and walk away until healthy communication is possible.
18. Offer help only when asked. Don’t assume that others want you to fix them or that you know best for them. Be available and give help only when asked.
19. Care deeply, but remain detached. Let others know you care deeply about them when they have problems, but don’t get caught up in their problems.
20. See with your heart, not your eyes. Look beyond superficiality when seeing someone. Financial status, appearance, notoriety, all mean nothing. Look for the authentic person inside.
21.  Don’t say yes when you mean no. If you mean no, your yes will be harnessed with resentment. Say yes only when your yes is given freely.
22. Let others know you are grateful. Tell them and show them that you feel blessed to have them in your life.
23. Never play the guilt card. Don’t try to manipulate or hurt someone by trying to make them feel bad about their choices, decisions, or actions.
24. Give more than is expected. Don’t over-commit, but freely give more than you promise.
25. Be inter-developmental in your relationships. Don’t be controlling, dependent or co-dependent. Create relationships that are mutually uplifting, reward, and satisfying.
26. Be a big person. Don’t try to take credit, diminish others, or hold back on praise. Offer acknowledgment and power when it is needed and deserved.
27. Be confident enough to be humble. Be able to laugh at yourself, acknowledge your flaws and failures, and accept that they don’t define you.
28. Be open to learning. Don’t flaunt your intelligence or superior knowledge. Recognize that there is always something to learn, even from those who appear “less than.”
29. Be more engaged than engaging. Show your sincere interest in others. Use the word “you” more than “I.” Listen intently and reflect back to others who they are.
30. Give gifts that others want. Not just gifts to impress or that are important to you.
31. Challenge yourself constantly. Don’t settle for mediocre. Don’t languish in past accomplishments. Keep moving forward and exude enthusiasm about possibilities and the actions to make them happen.
32. Detach from adrenaline. Simplify your life enough so you are not rushed, stressed, cluttered, or distracted. Allow yourself time and room to focus.
33. Embrace the incredible power of now. Nothing is more valuable than this moment. Make it the best moment you possibly can right now.
34. Don’t fight the flow. Don’t struggle against people or situations you can’t control. Move effortlessly in a different direction.
35. Keep evolving. Stay on a path of personal development and stay alert for opportunities for shifts and growth.
36. Accept that you won’t be attractive to everyone. As you evolve and become more attractive, fewer people will be attracted to you — but what an incredible group they are!

 Most on the list are 100% completed and fully functional. :)


Because....OSOM !!

Be Your Own Souvenir


So you’re at the museum, and deep down in the sub-basement right next to the restrooms you happen to discover an enormous machine that looks like it was pulled from the Aliens II movie set. And then you notice you can insert a dollar, and suddenly the machine whirs to life and pipes hot, neon green plasticine into a mold in front of your very eyes as you inahale noxious fumes. Within moments you’re in the possession of a bona-fide neon green submarine, a memento of your visit to the museum that smells strange for days. Be Your Own Souvenir by Barcelona-based blablabLAB is just like that, except a trillion times more awesome. Using custom software developed using openFrameworks and openKinect, visitors film themselves in front of 3 kinect sensors for a full 360-degree scan and within moments a 3D printer known as a RepRap machine spits out a little army guy version of themselves. Every museum in the world should have one of these in their sub-basement, though they can probably install this by the front door. (via vimeo)

Because it was perfect untill BOOM !!

Because every time you have a nice say, someone thinks that it will be great to FUCK IT UP !!!!

So even though you do not read this, know that I HATE YOU !!!!!

NO 'xoxo' today.


Good day...

...because 'good morning' is not for us. Me and my boyfriend, that is. But 'Good morning' to all of you.
We didn't sleep at all. He found a tutorial on how to paint nails with nail polish with the help of water. So that's what we did. Painted and repainted nails. Even he has a thumb nail painted. :)

Enjoy your coffee. I'm still waiting mine. Victor is supposed to make it :D ...and yes. That's his real name. Because he said i can share anything i want about him and us on my blog :D. He's ossum possum.


Live has a funny way...

I was smoking a cigarette when i finally realized that I'm lucky.
I'm lucky to have met the right guy and lucky for all the good things that happened to me since I met him. I do not want to tell you his name, so I shall call him Green. Because i like green stuff and I like him a lot.
Now...after a few sentences, I'm thinking about him, and so many things run through my mind I don't know which one to write. I don't know if he'll be mad at me for sharing stuff about us on the internet. I should ask him. :)
Returning to the 'I'm lucky part'. I told you about the painting. He did a great job on that. Still shocked when I think about that moment. I think I already said this but no one ever did a painting of me before. Yes, I received lots of gifts but never something like this. Something that one created, painted, modified it, etc.
I will thank him forever for that.

I will write more on this when I have things that can be shared on the internet. ;)
